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Burros, Donkeys, Mules

Displaying products 1 - 50 of 50 results
A Pueblo Indian Family, Children, Dog, Donkeys
Regular Price: $3.50
A Pueblo Indian Family, Children, Dog, Donkeys
ARCADE - On The Prairie -- Mules Covered Wagons
Regular Price: $3.50
ARCADE - On The Prairie -- Mules Covered Wagons
Burro - Baby
Regular Price: $2.50
Burro - Baby
Burro - Rocky Mountain Canary (28290)
Regular Price: $3.00
Burro - Rocky Mountain Canary  (28290)
Burro - Rocky Mountain Canary (32224)
Regular Price: $1.99
Burro - Rocky Mountain Canary  (32224)
Burro and Covered Wagon - A Scene in the Old West
Regular Price: $2.50
Burro and Covered Wagon - A Scene in the Old West
Pack Mule
Burro and Joshua Tree on Desert RPPC
Regular Price: $5.00
Burro and Joshua Tree on Desert RPPC
Burro with Saddle - Rags
Regular Price: $3.00
Burro with Saddle - Rags
COLORADO - Romance In The Rockies - Burros
Regular Price: $3.00
COLORADO - Romance In The Rockies - Burros
Desert - Desert Canary - Burro (K36) (lot 1)
Regular Price: $2.00
Desert - Desert Canary - Burro  (K36) (lot 1)
Donkey - Baby Burro Drinking From Cup 1909
Regular Price: $5.00
Donkey - Baby Burro Drinking From Cup 1909
Donkey - Get Up Donker - 1903
Regular Price: $3.00
Donkey - Get Up Donker - 1903
Donkey - Gold Mining Prospector's Burro 1958
Regular Price: $2.49
Donkey - Gold Mining Prospector's Burro 1958
Donkey - Jenny and Nursing Foal (K-428A)
Regular Price: $3.50
Donkey - Jenny and Nursing Foal  (K-428A)
Donkey - Southwest Desert Canary RPPC
Regular Price: $4.00
Donkey - Southwest Desert Canary RPPC
Donkey - Woman Pulling Burro's Leg 1908
Regular Price: $5.00
Donkey - Woman Pulling Burro's Leg 1908
Donkey Smiles at the World
Regular Price: $2.50
Donkey Smiles at the World
EGYPT - Arab Donkey Boy TUCK 7440
Regular Price: $10.00
EGYPT - Arab Donkey Boy TUCK 7440
ENGLAND Devon - Clovelly High Street, Donkeys
Regular Price: $6.00
ENGLAND Devon - Clovelly High Street, Donkeys
Horses and Mules in Cornfield - 1910s - RPPC
Regular Price: $3.50
Horses and Mules in Cornfield - 1910s - RPPC
Humor - Soldier with Shovel and Donkeys - WWII
Regular Price: $0.99
Humor - Soldier with Shovel and Donkeys - WWII
Large Woman on Donkey 1940s Humor
Regular Price: $1.50
Large Woman on Donkey 1940s Humor
MEXICO Taxco - Men and Burros RPPC
Regular Price: $16.00
MEXICO Taxco - Men and Burros RPPC
MISSOURI - Apples and Mules - 1907
Regular Price: $2.00
MISSOURI - Apples and Mules - 1907
MISSOURI - Mules, a Matched Team (JT-8)
Regular Price: $3.99
MISSOURI - Mules, a Matched Team  (JT-8)
Pack Burro in Desert RPPC
Regular Price: $5.00
Pack Burro in Desert RPPC
PHOTO (CDV) - Baby Burros
Regular Price: $2.50
PHOTO (CDV) - Baby Burros
Temperance - Burros with Kegs 1904
Regular Price: $5.00
Temperance - Burros with Kegs 1904
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