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Displaying products 1 - 37 of 37 results
Basset Hound
Regular Price: $1.50
Basset Hound
Basset Hound Puppies
Regular Price: $1.50
Basset Hound Puppies
Beagle Puppy
Regular Price: $1.50
Beagle Puppy
Bulldog and Doghouse - 1911
Regular Price: $3.00
Bulldog and Doghouse - 1911
Collie Puppies
Regular Price: $1.50
Collie Puppies
Cute Little Dog - c1906 - RPPC
Regular Price: $4.00
Cute Little Dog - c1906 - RPPC
Dandie Dinmont
Regular Price: $2.00
Dandie Dinmont
Dog - My Dog (poem)
Regular Price: $3.00
Dog - My Dog (poem)
Dog and Five Puppies
Regular Price: $1.50
Dog and Five Puppies
Dog and Kittens - 1909
Regular Price: $3.00
Dog and Kittens - 1909
Dog Scratching Fleas - 1936
Regular Price: $3.00
Dog Scratching Fleas - 1936
Dogs and Telephone Poles - 1940s
Regular Price: $3.00
Dogs and Telephone Poles - 1940s
Horse - Kings of the Turf 1909 Dogs
Regular Price: $3.00
Horse - Kings of the Turf 1909 Dogs
Hunting Dogs and Pheasants
Regular Price: $1.50
Hunting Dogs and Pheasants
Little Girl Scolds Bad Dog - circa 1910
Regular Price: $3.00
Little Girl Scolds Bad Dog - circa 1910
Pointer Hunting Dog on Point (PCK)
Regular Price: $3.99
Pointer Hunting Dog on Point (PCK)
Pointer Hunting Dog with Pheasant (PCK)
Regular Price: $3.99
Pointer Hunting Dog with Pheasant (PCK)
Puppy Wants to Play (20964)
Regular Price: $2.00
Puppy Wants to Play  (20964)
Puppy with Beach Ball and Gun - Squeaker card
Regular Price: $5.00
Puppy with Beach Ball and Gun  - Squeaker card
We Two - Little Girl and Her Puppy - 1910
Regular Price: $3.00
We Two - Little Girl and Her Puppy - 1910
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