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LOUISIANA New Orleans - Old French Quarter Studios, Pen-Ink Sketch, G F Castleden 1920s
Regular Price: $4.00

Detailed Description

Studio: 622 St. Peter St.
2-1-29 :: New Orleans, La.
"Courtyard of Madame John's Legacy"
This peep into the back end of this courtyard gives a perfect view of the slave quarters of the old French city, for the building facing the street is the second oldest house in New Orleans. When the present owner was cleaning out the ground floor, this old lamp was discovered amongst loads of rubbish. The beautiful iron bracket was still on the wall so the lamp was restored to its original place. It is about the most beautiful piece of copper workmanship in the Vieux Carre.

Postcard size, but without the usual postal markings (see image). Artist signed, G F Castleden.
Slight corner tip wear.

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